What is the easy function and how do I turn it on?

There is an easy function available on some Android phones, and it provides an easier experience for first-time smartphone users with a simpler layout, bigger icons, and larger font size. This easy function can be turned on for Samsung phones and is referred to as “Easy Mode”. This easy function can also be turned on for LG phones and is referred to as “EasyHome”.

Below are general instructions on how to turn Easy Mode or EasyHome on. Please note that the instructions for turning Easy Mode or EasyHome on varies from phone to phone and the steps to do so may be unique to your specific device. The steps we provide may not be specific to your device but will help give you an idea.

Enable Easy Mode on Samsung phone:

  1. Go to "Settings"
  2. Tap "My device"
  3. Tap on "Home screen mode"
  4. Choose "Easy mode"

Enable EasyHome on LG phone:

  1. Go to "Settings"
  2. Tap "Display" or scroll down to "Device" until you see "Home screen"
  3. Tap on "Select Home"
  4. Choose "EasyHome"
  5. Tap "Apply" > "OK"

It’s easy to switch between EasyMode/EasyHome and Standard Home without losing any settings. To switch back to the Standard Home experience, you would follow the same instructions above and choose "Standard mode" instead of "Easy mode" for Samsung and "Home" instead of "EasyHome" for LG.
