Where can I find my phone's IMEI?

Having trouble finding your phone's IMEI or IMEI2 number (IMEI2 can be referred to as "IMEI (eSIM)" or "eSIM IMEI" on some phones)? We can help you with that! There are a couple of different ways these numbers can be found.

Dial *#06#

  • Dial *#06# on your phone
  • The IMEI number will appear on the screen

In phone settings

  • Android: Go to Settings > More > About Phone > Status - use IMEI. To find your IMEI2 on an eSIM capable phone, the second IMEI may be referred to as IMEI2, IMEI (eSIM), or eSIM IMEI
  • Alternate Android: Go to Settings > About > Device Info - use IMEI
  • iPhone: Go to Settings > General > About - scroll down to find IMEI or IMEI2 if you have an eSIM capable phone

Check the box your phone originally came in

  • Many times, the phones list the IMEI and IMEI2 (or IMEI (eSIM), eSIM IMEI) on the side of a box with a sticker

Under your phone's battery (if battery is removable)

  • Remove the battery and the IMEI number should be located inside the battery compartment

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Please click the orange "Chat With Us" button below to speak with a Twigby Mobile live agent. We'll do everything we can to help you figure this out. To view our chat hours, click here.

